前言: 最近换了Mac,之前在Windows上写博客是基于本地配置好的一个hexo渲染引擎,迁移到Mac着实花费了不少精力(主要是学习和回顾,好久没折腾hexo了),结论是本地维护一个这样的渲染环境很麻烦也不易迁移。因而有了这篇文章从另外一个角度来实现hexo博客更快的部署和维护。
Process vs ThreadA process is an instance of program (e.g. Jupyter notebook, Python interpreter). Processes spawn threads (sub-processes) to handle subtasks like reading keystrokes, loading HTML pages, saving files. Threads live inside processes and share the same memory space.
前言参考了confluentinc/cp-ansibleplaybook批量安装部署Apache Kafka 2.2.0. 已在Github上开源
What is a shell?
Shell is an interface between the user and the kernel. Even though there can be only one kernel; a system can have many shell running simultaneously. So, whenever a user enters a command through the keyboard, the shell communicates with the kernel to execute it and then display the output to the user.